
6 Signs That Your Furnace Is Going Out

During cold, winter months here in Utah, you rely on your furnace to keep your home and family warm. The last thing you want is to wake up on an extremely cold night and realize that the house is freezing, and the furnace has stopped working. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to your furnace when it’s giving you signs that it’s having trouble working correctly and get professional help, if needed. Below we’ve put together a list of 6 signs that your furnace is going out. Pay close attention to see if you notice any of these issues in your home. 1. Aging Furnace The average lifespan of a furnace is approximately 10-20 years. When your  HVAC  is over ten years old, it’s important you pay attention to how it’s performing. For instance, if your furnace starts to make strange noises, this may be cause for concern. Listen for banging, rattling, or popping sounds. If you’re unsure of the age of your furnace, check the manual if you have it. You can also look for a serial number and c

Water Damage and Flood Restoration Checklist

One of the most difficult things to go through as a homeowner is discovering water damage to your home from flooding or a plumbing issue. Personal property is often damaged, and you’re racing against time to save your home and property. Whether the flooding is from storms, a burst pipe, or a natural disaster, flood waters not only damage property, but the water can also seep into the support structure of your home, warping and weakening framing, beams, or floors. The moisture can also cause mold to grow. When you discover a flood, you’ll likely be overwhelmed at what to do first. That’s why we’ve put together a water damage and flood restoration checklist for you so you’re ready if flooding happens in your Draper home. If you’re experiencing flooding in your home, take action immediately to keep yourself safe. Remove all pets and children. Flood water can include harmful organisms like E. coli and salmonella, so regular handwashing is very important as well. If the flooding is coming f

Best ways to Protect Your Home from Sewer Backup and Water Damage

A water damage disaster is one of the most common and expensive disasters your home can experience, costing billions of dollars annually. Trust the experts in the market to protect your most valuable asset. The best plumbing services should be availed.   In addition to damaging your floors, electrical systems, furniture, walls, and other belongings, a sewer backup can cost thousands of dollars to fix. There is more to sewage backups than simply harming your finances. They can cause severe sickness, or worse, death, to anyone who comes into contact with the water. To avoid sewer backup damage costs and consequences, it is wise to take steps to prevent sewer backup damage. ·          How to Prevent Sewer Backups & Water Damage   ·          Make sure to Dispose of Grease Properly   Cooking oil should never be poured down the drain. When grease passes through cold pipes, it solidifies and constricts, causing the pipes to clog. As soon as hot oil cools down, it should be pou

5 DIY AC Repair Tips

When the hot Utah temperatures reach into the triple digits, the last thing you want as a homeowner is for your air conditioner to break down or stop working. If you suddenly find yourself having air conditioning issues, your first thought may be to look up AC Repair in Salt Lake City. Before you pick up the phone, you should know that you have a lot of options and you can tackle the troubleshooting on your own prior to having a technician visit your home. Below, we’re sharing 5 DIY AC repair tips for homeowners to follow when you’re experiencing issues with your AC before calling for help. Check the Thermostat  If your air conditioner isn’t cooling your home like it should, first check your thermostat. Homeowners typically set the thermostat and forget about it, but sometimes the thermostat can return to the original settings. Make sure it’s set below the room temperature and see if the air kicks on. If it doesn’t, a quick reset can sometimes fix the cooling issue quickly. Old batter

5 Types of Water Softeners

  If you’ve ever experienced taking a shower or a bath in a home with a water softener, you can instantly tell that the water is silky and soft. There are many benefits of using soft water over hard water, but most homes have hard water, and the hard minerals that are in the water contribute to soap scum and deposits inside of pipes, causing low water flow. So why doesn’t everyone have a water softener? One reason could be because there are so many types of water softeners to choose from. How do you know which water softener is best for your home? To help you decide, we’re discussing 5 types of water softeners below to help you understand the pros and cons of each. How Water Softeners Work Before we discuss the 5 types of water softeners, let’s go over how water softeners work. Hard water is full of heavy minerals, and water softeners draw out those minerals from the water through an ion exchange process. Some can neutralize those minerals, which means your water will be clear of calci

8 Symptoms that Your Water Main is Leaking

Your water main brings clean water into your home from your city’s public water supply. This main line runs underground, and if a crack or leak occurs in this main line, it can be difficult to identify immediately. These lines run at least 3 feet below ground, which means unless you know what you’re looking for, you won’t find the problem unless you dig deep to view the line. If you’re worried you might have a leak in your main line, we’ve put together this list of 8 symptoms that your water main is leaking. 1. Water Bill Increasing A top symptom of a water main leaking is the increase in your monthly water bill. Unless you’ve had visitors staying in your home or you’ve started doing more laundry or taking more showers, you should typically see the same range of charges each month on your bill. If that amount has increased, especially if it’s by a substantial amount, you should contact your local friendly plumber to help detect if your main line is leaking. 2. Mold and Mildew If