5 Reasons You Need an A/C Tune-Up

Warmer weather has arrived in Utah, and the temperatures are starting to rise. Throughout the year, most home owners don’t give much thought to their A/C unit. When the summer heat starts to get uncomfortable, we switch on the air conditioning and comfortably go about our day. Regrettably, overlooking your A/C could lead to decreased efficiency and costly repair charges. Temperatures in the Salt Lake City can reach above 100 degrees in the hot summer months. If you’ve been taking your air conditioner for granted and ignoring regular maintenance of your unit, chances are you’ll be stuck in an over-heated home when your air conditioner faces the pressure of working overtime for you. Just like your vehicle, your A/C needs regular maintenance to keep it running at its best. The demand on air conditioners here in the desert is high, so you want it running at peak-performance. These tune-ups will ensure your unit can handle the demand of the hot summer months ahead. Here are five reasons we...